Lawmakers are ready to list sexual harassment as an offence punishable by fines for Russian citizens and deportation for foreigners.
The bill has been prepared by MP Oleg Nilov representing the center-left party Fair Russia. The lawmaker told the Izvestia daily that his main objective was to relieve women of psychological stress caused by sexual harassment on the part of bosses and strangers.
“Even a single verbal insult must carry a punishment. But of course the fact must be proven – the victim must file a report with the police and have witnesses to confirm the claims – in this case the punishment will be inevitable. The bill will make women’s life easier,” Nilov told the newspaper.
In its current form the draft bill allows sexual harassment and unwanted flirting in open and a concealed form to be punished by fines of between 30,000 and 50,000 roubles ($830 – $1400). Repeat offenses carry fines of between 80,000 and 100,000 roubles ($2,200 – $2,800). Foreigners found guilty of harassment will have to pay the same fines as Russians but also face deportation from the country.
Russian criminal law already has an article against “forcing someone into sexual relations”, which carries up to 1 year of forced labor or imprisonment, but it is only applied when the harassment is accompanied with blackmail or damage to property, and when the victim is dependent on the criminal in a material sense or due to work subordination.
Some Russian MPs were not very enthusiastic about Nilov’s plans. Mikhail Markelov of the parliamentary majority party United Russia said that the bill was too populist and would be too difficult to enforce.“When there is a bill that allows prosecution for just one wrong stare, too many people will start using it to settle their conflicts,” the politician said.
Nowhere left to run to.
This bill is actually highly likely the result of the European Convention on sexual harrassment signed on this day (International Women’s Day) two years ago :
As Russia is a member of the Council of Europe, Russia probably signed the treaty, as did Ukraine (where the treaty was signed) and every country in the EU. International Women’s Day is, btw, a public holiday in Russia, and all men are required to present their mothers, sisters, girlfriends, female classmates, with gifts and cards.
As I predicted at the start of the year, PUA will be illegal everywhere in Europe from Dublin to Vladivostok by the end of this year. Certainly, DayGame PUA will effectively be illegal. Late last year Romania became the first EU country to implement the treaty (
Despite this treaty being widely known for two years, I have not once seen on one single PUA forum or site, any mention of the fact that PUA will soon be illegal in Europe (aside from Roosh casually mentioning the need ‘to do something’ in one video). No doubt that’s because attempting any kind of activism, or even acknowledging the need for activism, is ‘beta’ to the average pussy hound.
Unfortunately, in its current state, the manosphere and anti-feminism is divided into a pathetic victim culture on the one side (Men’s Human Rights Movement) and obsession with GAME and Alpha Maleness on the other side. There is little in between that appears able to embrace anti-feminist activism without embracing feminist style victimhood.
“Unfortunately, in its current state, the manosphere and anti-feminism is divided into a pathetic victim culture on the one side (Men’s Human Rights Movement) and obsession with GAME and Alpha Maleness on the other side. There is little in between that appears able to embrace anti-feminist activism without embracing feminist style victimhood.”
Don’t lose hope. There are those who embrace Men’s Rights activism yet avoids feminist style victimhood.
The redpill subreddit documents that fact and it is growing by a significant margin over feminism and avoiceformen.
Thanks Jay.
And perhaps this bill wont be passed by the Russian parliament, in which case it will be a real cause for optimism.
Hopefully the Russians will see this as it is – an attempt by Western feminists to destabalize Russian society.
Meanwhile, women in the UK now have the right to check up on their boyfriend’s criminal records :
Presumably in order to see that they are indeed the desired violent thug and not a beta.
Thanks Jay, good video.
“Unfortunately, in its current state, the manosphere and anti-feminism is divided into a pathetic victim culture on the one side (Men’s Human Rights Movement) and obsession with GAME and Alpha Maleness on the other side.”
This is why I don’t call myself a MRA or MHRA; I didn’t push the diseased victimhood of feminism away only to embrace the same thing on the men’s side. Cathy Young even noted this trend in the men’s rights movement.
As for pickup, I have no interest in picking up women. Yet it’s only inevitable that some men and boys will do this, even if they know nothing of PUA culture. Knowing how picky and fickle women are, and how men with little to no social skills (it requires practice to build these things) can be offensive to her highness, this bill will be an absolute disaster to heterosexual men. In the event of this law, it seems the only way to safely approach a woman would be online and behind a logless VPN or TOR. TOR is meant to shield political dissidents from persecution of their oppressive governments, and this law will turn PUAs and heterosexual men (not into PUA culture) into political dissidents.
I see this bill as a means for governments to obtain more power over their citizens, and this is why governments get a big hardon for legislation like this. The man haters write and lobby the bill knowing governments have a propensity to find subtle ways around liberty to extract money and freedom from its citizens.
In human history, governments and ideologies come and fall, and feminism is no exception to this trend. The more feminists push for oppressive laws like this and side themselves with oppressive states, the sooner they will be succumb to the gallows. Even the spit in my mouth is too good to waste on feminists.
>There is little in between that appears able to embrace anti-feminist activism without embracing feminist style victimhood.
That’s because there are only three solutions to feminism that work on a social level: Revolt, Expat, or Turtle.
At some point the international community will start to stand up to the American gender-feminist perversions and manufactured statistics Alliances, that are poisoning the American justice system.
The party is also known as “A Just Russia” as well as “Fair Russia” (likely the result of two separate translations)
Just from what I’ve read so far, it appears to be nearly the equivalent of our Democratic Party here in the States, perhaps as it was say, back in the 90’s before they saw the need for a strong pro-immigration policy in order to replace a generation of aborted voters.
“The party currently has 400,000 members and claims to be the largest left-wing party in Russia.[34] It has regional branches in all federal subjects of Russia.[35]”
“The party platform calls for a welfare state where all citizens are equal, the cliff between rich and poor is small, and individual rights are guaranteed. The state should be responsible for the well-being of the citizens, while citizens…” [read women] “… should be responsible for the effectiveness of the state.”
Yeah, I’d say it’s Russia’s womens party wouldn’t you?
Back to the bill….
“Mikhail Markelov of the parliamentary majority party United Russia said that the bill was too populist and would be too difficult to enforce.“When there is a bill that allows prosecution for just one wrong stare, too many people will start using it to settle their conflicts,” the politician said.”
Console yourself in the fact that he could (as yet) actually, freely utter that statement there without a barrage of “VICTIM BLAMING! VICTIM BLAMING! RAW! RAW! RAW!” let alone lose his job over it.
But their men must be made to understand that what is happening over here is a warning of what’s to come to them unless they double down on anti-feminism early enough.
It’s not enough for men to be concerned with local politics. All men must become politically ‘hyper aware’ as we pretty much are.
btw Putin was a former party leader of the same party as that ‘misogynist’ Markelov.
sorry for the multiple posts but it seems just when I think I haven’t learned anything more of interest about something, that I feel should be passed on, something else pops up.
” This is the Russian Green Party, as the Green party merged with them in 2008.”
and this little gem…
“Before 2011, this party supported Vladimir Putin, and was often considered opposition-in-name-only. This changed in 2011, when their leader Sergey Mironov had a fallout with Putin and was deposed as the head of the Federation Council, the Russian upper house.”
I’m going to have to see what I can dig up on that.
Thanks EWM. Also, if you Google Mikhail Markelov, the MP who has expressed concerns over the bill, he appears to be the man Putin has entrusted with taking a hard line over the Crimea and dealing with foreign political and media opposition.
So hopefully this bill wont pass. If it does, it will certainly give the lie to the idea of Russia being non-democractic. It will prove it is run by the vagina vote just like every other ‘democratic’ cuntry.
BTW, I was tracking a march by thousands of feminists in central London yesterday (never seen so many hideously ugly dykes gathered together). I took plenty of photos and I’ll try to upload them here soon. Unfortunately, my phone battery ran out just when they assembled in Trafalger Square and started having speakers address the marchers. There was a hideous African woman screaming into the microphone about domestic violence, and kept repeating over and over again that it was all the fault of men. I honestly felt like I was at a Nuremburg rally. It would have made a great viral video, but hopefully somebody else was there and recorded her.
The other disturbing thing I noticed was that the Metropolitan Police appeared to have chosen to police the marchers almost entirely with lesbian policewomen. A little more encouraging was the fact that most of the bystanders and tourists, especially pretty young girls and women, were giving the dykes contemptous looks and barely supressed laughter.
Some of the marchers were classic. There was Brazilian hag wearing a slogan saying ‘Stop the Stereotyping of Brazilian women!’. She was doing a fine job. Then when some of the dogs walked past holding up banners saying ‘stop the objectification of women’ I was very tempted to shout out – ‘get yer tits out for the lads’, but as I said, there were dozens of hatchet faced lesbian policewomen escorting them.
Utterly depressing. A nightmare.
Even if the law might fail now, at some time Russia might feel obliged to obey the European directive to gain favors. Or they just might have a party pushing through the law. Or a watered down version.
Hardly ever is there a way back. I doubt if ever such a repressive se law gets rescinded.
Some light amusement for you gents
Surely he’d have been attracting votes.
There are loads of signs that we are reaching the critical point of the ‘misandry bubble’ of which this is one more.
His comments are a manifestation of a widespread fatigue with feminazi bullshit, hate mongering and special pleading.
The gutless old think manginas in the upper echelons of his party probably thought he ought to go but when one day that generation are replaced or come to their senses the gloves will truly be off.
Most young women are too embarrassed to call themselves feminists nowadays. They know it’s a guaranteed way to become unattractive and end up with cats not cock.
Hahaha…it’s a shame though he gave in and apologised as well as resigning. I mean if your career is finished you may as well stick to your guns.
speaking of “harassment” I just saw this posted on facebook earlier today. I finally got around to putting something together in photoshop. Why is it that girls in America are hard-wired into thinking that anyone above X age is creepy for finding them attractive?
Thanks Jon. Reminds me of this classic video :
ha wow… Did that girl say “You know I am 17 years old?” What a joke. This video had it all:
Whiteknight (bicyclist) – check
Jealous ugly hag (first woman) – check
Jealous mother? (second woman, can’t tell if that is stroller) – check
Bunch of paedocrites not knowing how to respond (the photography crew) – check
hypocritical teen girl having pictures taken of her by “old disgusting men”, while getting upset with a bystander for video taping her – check
Also, that girl I shared is 14. Do any of you find her attractive? I personally do, but I know that there is a line for some people here (I think you are getting close to banning some of them?) where 15-18 is fine, but the moment you go below those ages people think you need help or that your dating life must be screwed up for finding such a girl attractive.
Lol, I don’t know where you’re getting that idea Jon. Yulia is 15 and looks 13-14. I would ban any paedocrites here who pretends that girls of such ages can’t be attractive.
The only real lines are those imposed by nature (the onset of puberty, which occurs in most girls around the age of 10) and the feminist line of 18. Given that we are committing heresy simply by admitting that 15 year olds can be attractive, we may as well be honest and admit that 13/14 year olds can be as well.
Hmm, I guess I just thought there were a few people in the comments that were getting on your nerves for towing a quasi-feminist line by calling the rest of us names for finding Yulia attractive.
Obviously the majority here understands the whole onset of puberty is where attraction begins. I am just curious if anyone found her cute or not. The fact that us guys can say “yes or no” to that question just goes to show that we can’t logically be labeled with a term like hebephile/ephebophile. Whether she is just starting puberty, or she is in her 20’s already, we should be free to say what our hearts and minds think 🙂
Sorry Jon, I misread what you typed. I thought you meant that I was close to banning people for saying 14 year old girls were attractive.
And yes, I banned Inclined Paedocrite for very much that thing.
Also, the girl whose photo you posted is very cute and most honest men would admit to that.
You’re a relatively recent reader I think, so I don’t know if you are aware that we have had some epic discussions here in the past regarding what age females are most attractive.
example :
I’m not sure that girls are actually ‘hardwired’ or brainwashed to see older guys who look at them as creeps and perverts. It’s just the normal female behaviour – if a guy checks her out that she finds unattractive she will creep shame him. If a 14 year old girl sees an older guy she doesn’t fancy looking at her she will call him a paedo. If the same 14 year old girl sees a cute or handsome older guy look at her she will probably call him a coward if he doesn’t try to seduce her.
Here is another one :
Maybe it is only when homosexuals and leading politicians get destroyed by feminist inflated ‘abuse’ laws that things will change. Fortunately, this is happening right now :
hmm, I do remember voting on that poll as I think it was one of the first pages I came across when i came here. Now that I read the comments, I see why the voting is off by a little. The reddit community (especially the men’s rights one) are a joke most of the time. People obviously lied about these ages so as not to appear creepy. Sure if you tally 13-17 it comes close to beating the 21-25 group, but I honestly don’t get why people can’t admit that 13-18 is the peak of attraction.
I have always thought of this whole conundrum of “how do you fool a man into admitting his true feelings towards younger girls?”. Honestly, there really isn’t any way. Feminism has so clouded and befuddled the minds of guys that they are in lockdown mode. They can’t admit that they are feeling downtrodden and neither can they admit that the aforementioned girl is cute. Btw, I freely admit on that girl’s statuses from time to time that I think she is very pretty. She always thanks me or likes my post. I do this not only out of an honest heart, but also just to jab at other guys my age who are too afraid to say these things.
The one thing I have thought of is putting together a huge list of girls like Yulia in a column with no artificial means of beautification. Then putting a list of 25 year old women on the right side in another column with the same rules. At the bottom put something catchy that says something like this: “Both sides used no beauty products. All girls on the left hand side were ages 14-16. All girls on the right hand side were 25 or older. Who did you find more attractive?”. The point being, that instead of making him vote publicly, make him at least think inwardly about himself and what he says/does about others (namely stuff like that bicyclist did in the video).
Also, bravo to highwayman’s comment. It is a funny thing how people forget that all it takes is the media/government to tell you something is bad, and people will accept it blindly. I really do wish that when all this comes crashing down, famous femihags could stand by and be forced to watch as these laws get abolished, and men start being men again. Would be such a treat to see them foaming at the mouth because they have no power anymore. I for one know that I will always hold out hope for a relationship with a younger girl. Even if I am in my 40’s or 50’s, I will keep my body in shape so as to pounce (no pun intended ha) on the opportunity should it ever arise.
Yes, it’s a shame Highwayman no longer comments here. He mentioned health problems so I hope he’s alright.
He’s the only self-identified ‘hebophile’ I’ve ever come across who didn’t strike me as a total wet fish.
I have a feeling that the bill won’t pass—I didn’t see it mentioned on Pravda.
The American media has been engaging in a complete orgy of the most lurid Russia-baiting since Sochi started and throughout the phony Ukraine ‘crisis’. I’d guess this bill is only getting attention because the media is trying to manufacture pro-femihag, pro-gay Russian ‘dissidents’.
OT—but I saw that Fat-Troll today had a post about an anti-MRA ‘comedy’ skit on US television this weekend. I didn’t see the program he mentioned, but it looks like the femihags are getting concerned enough about us to stoop to this level. Anybody who saw the skit might want to comment on what it was about.
You can see it here apparently, but it’s blocked in the UK :,p0,d1
It was just the usual crude portrayal of an MRA being unable to get a girlfriend, virgin loser etc.
Now of course we know a lot of MHRAs are indeed like that, but it’s funny that when feminists are almost universally indescribably ugly, and clearly acting from sexually self-interested motives in criminalizing sex with anyone who isn’t old and ugly, that even MRAs will hardly ever point that obvious fact out. Even at this site there are some readers who take offence at it.
I saw that the other day. I don’t even watch SNL anymore. At its best with Chris Farley and the others it was “mildly” political and I really did enjoy those. Now it is just a platform to support liberals in whatever they do (in this case, feminism). Also, since when have men’s rights been about shutting down planned parenthood? Even though there are good reasons to shut such a place down, none of them have to do with conservative principles or men’s rights issues.
Speaking of “make up” with regards beauty products. Saw this shared by a 22 year old girl on my facebook this morning:
Here is a picture of her 4 years ago (she is now 22, I couldn’t find a good current picture where she was standing still for a photo):
Per usual the comments are filled with guys saying they look beautiful without any make up. Filled to the brim, were comments from girls saying they wear make-up for themselves. Here is a picture of one of them:
This was her comment: “We don’t wear make up for anyone else than ourselves, assholes.”
another female:
and her comment: “You people are so judgemental. Its sick. Girls wear makeup for themselves, not you and especially not for men.”
Do any of you know if those pictures of Brooke Shields from Blue Lagoon, are without make up? I really want to start posting picture comments of girls saying “this girl doesn’t need make-up to look pretty”.
I remember my English teacher at school telling us that it is only make-up that has enabled the modern phenomena of women marrying outside of their teenage years. (we were studying ‘The Crucible’ – the play about the Salem Witch Trials in which, if I remember correctly, one of the ‘witches’ is a 14 year old girl who seduces an older man).
Without make-up, most men wouldn’t even look at a girl older than 17 or 18.
Anyone here seen this video of a woman before and after photoshop?
Take a close look at what they do to the face. They basically give it the proportions of an adolescent girl. They enlarge the eyes, shrink the nose and soften the jawline. The face of a real pretty 14 year old girl obviously wouldn’t need to be improves in this way – it would already have the ideal dimensions.
Husband of far right politician and granddaughter of Mussolini arrested for having sex with 14/15 year old part time prostitutes :
Who exactly are the ‘victims’ here? The teenage girls enabled to buy designer clothes just for spreading their legs a couple of times a week?
Oh no, I remember. The hag faced wives who are enraged with jealousy at their husbands banging nubile young girls.
Of course the real victims are going to be the men who will spend years in prison for ‘cheating’ on their wives with nubile young girls.
Adult homosexuals being forced unwillingly by the pigs to be ‘victims’ under femihag ‘abuse’ laws :
Mr Male would approve. This is how he gets his ‘1 in 4 men have been raped’ stat from.
Unfortunately, as most of the male staff of AVfM are homosexual, some of them are going to end up in prison too as a result of their own validation of feminst laws and bogus statistics.
I like this honest comment :
Petition on to get a pua youtube channel banned because talking to a woman in the street is sexual harassment :
I was thinking about this the other day. Surely its only a matter of time before you could face arrest for ‘lack of deference’ if you refuse to bow your head as you pass a woman in the street? It’s almost getting that way now.