Some Logical Consequences of Eivind Berge’s NoFap Thirsty Philosophy

Rather than rant off on Eivind’s blog, I’ll post some stream of consciousness rants here. Although I’ve probably already triggered Eivind with that first sentence, as he doesn’t believe I’m conscious. Rather, he thinks I’m a zombie for preferring to live in a world in which I could fap to nude photos of HB10 teen girls to chasing the likes of crazy middle-aged cunts such as false rape accuser Ulrika Jonsson for ‘real sex’.

1 – As described above, sex with a ‘real’ woman, no matter how hideous – physically and mentally – is inferior to any kind of masturbation, even involving ‘virtual sex’, even when the object (whether a photograph or a virtual sex partner) is a HB10 ripe beauty. If feminists succeeded in raising the age of consent to 40, Eivind would still claim that any man who chose to fap to pictures of young females, rather than chase 40+ women for sex, would be a ‘zombie’.

2 – You only become a homosexual when you have a real homosexual encounter. A man who lived his entire life fapping to gay porn, never once showing any sexual interest in females, could not be described as a homosexual. Even if he fruitlessly (excuse the pun) chased males every day of his life (between wanks), he would not be a gay man.

3 – No matter how real virtual sex becomes, even when it reaches the level of Matrix style indistinguishability from the real thing, it will have nothing to do with ‘sex’ or ‘sexuality’ according to Eivind. Eivind seems to be lacking in even a basic education in philosophy, for otherwise he would know that all of our sense perceptions ultimately are just neurons firing in the brain.

4 – Eivind really should insist on ‘au naturale’ at all times in anything related to sex. Females should never wear scent. They should never shave their legs or armpits. They should not wear make-up. Perhaps they should never wash at all? Anything else is surely artificial and making things less ‘real’?

5 – Most certainly, it would appear Eivind should insist on raw sex at all times. A condom is surely unnatural and a primitive form of ‘virtual sex’. Indeed, a condom defeats the whole purpose of sex, which is fertilization of the female. Unless it leads to fertilization and pregnancy, is it even real sex? Eivind’s thoughts, such as they are, seem to be rooted in a very literal reading of evolutionary science. Otherwise, it’s not clear at all why jerking off to a girl on live webcam, is so much inferior to say, getting a handjob off of her in ‘real life’. Sex seems to have to be real physical penetration, because that’s what male sexuality is ‘about’. But strictly speaking, what male sexuality is about is impregnating as many ripe and beautiful females as possible in order to spread one’s genes. Any sex that doesn’t lead to pregnancy is as worthless in this sense as fapping. As (as far as I know) Eivind has never succeeded in impregnating a female (in fact, the reason apparently he dumped his girlfriend Emma the Emu), then Eivind is no better than a virgin who has spent his entire life fapping.

6 – Male sexualists should support an Islamist Sharia style society in which women are covered up at all times. In fact, one wonders why Eivind doesn’t emigrate today to some ideal heaven such as Afghanistan. For the reason women are covered up is for much the same reason porn is banned in these places (and Christian shit holes too), as well as increasingly feminist shit holes – so that men are less likely to fap contentedly (at the sight of female flesh) rather than seek sex (in the case of religious societies, through marriage). To elaborate further – I know of no place on Earth, past or present, in which images of females (ie. porn or nudity) were forbidden, but that free sex was permitted.

As to whether I and other readers who believe porn should be legal, that there is nothing shameful in masturbation, and that the ever creeping criminalization of (male) pornography by feminists is something worth fighting against, are ‘zombies’ – as Eivind claims, all I can say is that this says more about Eivind’s psychological condition than it does about our supposed lack of one. The inability to see minds in others has a clinical name, and it begins with an A.

I would say that in a real sense Evind, while conscious, is more of a zombie. That’s because he seems to not only be in chain to his ‘selfish genes’ (as we all are), but he doesn’t even seem aware of it. Rather, he seems to go the extra mile to live his entire existence blindly at their will.

And here I’m not accusing him or shaming him of being an ‘animal’, as feminists and MRA frauds do to us for talking about the age of consent or attraction to teenage girls being natural. No, I’m saying that Eivind is almost becoming a parody. It’s one thing to point out that feminist legislation is built on lies regarding the claims that attraction to young girls is ‘perverted’ and ‘unnatural’, it’s another to argue that the only thing that matters is fulfilling your DNA evolutionary programming, and that anything else (such as fapping) isn’t even anything related to sex, or male sexuality.

Finally, I need to point out that Eivind’s criticism of me is built on straw. I do not choose fapping over real sex. I just think that men shouldn’t go to prison for fapping, and that fapping to a picture of a HB10 teenage girl, is preferable to chasing a HB5 skank who is benefitting from the very laws that put men in prison for fapping.

Never once in my life has my fapping led to me not chasing real pussy. I fap less these days just as I chase real pussy less. It’s called getting older, resulting in lower testosterone as well as a realism that a 50 year old man has to spend an awful lot of time and effort to bang a hot, legal teen girl (short of paying for it). Of course banging a hot girl is preferable to wanking over a pic of the same girl (although if matrix style virtual reality tactile porn is ever invented, it wouldn’t really be any different to real sex – at least if it involves a real partner).

Yes, I’ll admit, fapping in my youth probably did lead me to spend less time chasing skanky pussy. It raised my standards. It led me to chase hotter females.

And no, I’ve never been into sex robots or a champion of them. They are just sex dolls that can ‘talk’. I’ve argued here that a better solution would be for females to be genetically modified to be permanently younger, more beautiful, sweeter, and hornier. To which Eivind came on my blog to White Knight and call me an ‘imbecile’ no better than radical feminists.