Even American Conservatives Can Blame Women, But ‘We’ Can’t
White women are literally destroying civilization. Fertility rates are falling to the point where – without immigration – countries like Italy would be seeing their populations halve within a couple of generations. When white women do elect to breed and not abort their unborn child down the pan, it’s increasingly with representatives of imported low IQ groups, who do nethertheless make their ‘ginas tingle with their thuggish ways and their huge cocks. Probably in part because of their attraction to Third World thugs and their dicks, young white women are voting for ‘liberal’, pro-immigration parties in ever greater numbers, whilst young men are turning increasingly conservative, rightfully objecting to being replaced and erased from history.
And, of course, women are doing this whilst calling for the locking up of increasing numbers of men under their never ending sex laws, the majority of them white men who are, or who have been productive members of society.
Now even the traditionally white knighting US Right have had close to enough of women, and are increasingly calling out the elephant in the room. White women are literally destroying Western Civilization, and it will likely happen within two centuries of gaining the vote (and you could argue that Western Civilization is already beyond saving).
— Elon Musk (@elonmusk) March 9, 2025
If only the ‘MAPs’ and those seeking to stop or even turn back the onslaught of anti-sex laws aimed at men, could somehow see and call out the elephant in the room – that women are responsible for their plight. But it’s likely impossible. Whilst women are 95% responsible for anti-male sex laws, that result in tens of thousands of sex offenders that are 99% male, the sad fact is that 99% of MAPs are autistic white knighting imbeciles who can never see what’s in front of their own faces. It would be a miracle if they could even be persuaded to blame feminists.