Every movement needs some foundational pillars upon which it can be built – a core set of principles, tenets, and creeds, that all members more or less share. I suggest we keep these as simple, obvious, and uncontroversial as possible. This way, we widen our possible membership, whilst clearly marking out those who digress from the principles as frauds (if they claim to be male sexualists).
- Male Sexualism is the political fight against the criminlization of male sexuality in all its forms, that is led in the West, and increasingly elsewhere, by feminists.
- Male Sexualism is part of the real Men’s Rights Movement, forced to identify ourselves seperately from the MRAs of today because of their failure to oppose the entirety of feminist anti-male sex laws. We share a common history and spirit with the earlier MRM, from Ernest Belfort Bax a hundred years ago, to Angry Harry, the founder of the modern men’s rights movement.
- We exist to resist the feminist lies that they base their anti-sex laws on – such as that it is a perversion (‘paedophilia’) to find teenage girls sexually attractive, that pornography is inherently evil, that regretted sex is ‘rape’, or that sex workers are inherently ‘exploited’.
- We believe there is a ‘legislative creep’, driven by feminists, that is leading to a crime against humanity and what may become a ‘sexual holocaust’ or ‘cleansing’ of normal, heterosexual men
- We believe that feminists are acting from selfish motives, primarily sexual, akin to a ‘Sexual Trade Union’ or ‘pussy cartel’.
- We are against all forms of sexual puritanism, both secular (feminist) and religious, including enforced monogamy, prohibitions on prostitution (or the ‘paying for sex’), the NoFap cult and other demonizations of male masturbation, laws against pornography based on advocacy research and junk science, and Victorian feminist high ages of consent that were bitterly opposed by the men’s rights activists of the time.