Category Archives: Paedocrites

Why You Failed – Paedocrite of the Year 2020 – YOU!!!!

Why I Am So Great And Why You All Suck (lol)

Cometh the hour, cometh the man. I was here, but you didn’t show up did you? So what went wrong? Or rather, where did you all go wrong? How did you fail me and what should you have done? Ten years ago, all the top MRAs knew who I was. Angry Harry linked to me prominently, Bernard Chapin was a fan, hell even Paul Elam wanted me to help him design the little website he was creating (A Voice for Men). Ferdinand Bardemu, one of the creators of the Manosphere, used to put my post at the top of his weekly Manosphere round up every week, generating me thousands of visitors.

You Antagonized The MRAs

It was always going to be difficult to overcome the American puritan world view and victim culture that was taking over the men’s rights movement at the time. It was going to be a monumental balancing act to maintain integrity and to ensure that Male Sexualist issues remained at the front of Men’s Rights, or at least part of the discussion. Especially with complete American loons like Kloo2Yoo in charge of Reddit Men’s Rights and such. However, people like Human Stupidity would just spam r/mensrights with his posts, with no awareness apparently that this was going to be counterproductive. Worse, he would then give up and propose that we stop calling ourselves real MRAs (which of course we are, at least those of us who don’t approve of feminist anti-masturbation laws and the like), and refer to ourselves as ‘radical MRAs’ and such.

You Did Not Share The History Of Feminism, Age of Consent Laws, And Men’s Rights

I made a big thing of pointing out the history of feminism, the history of age of consent laws, the history of anti-prostitution laws, and indeed, the very history of men’s rights. All to show two things. That our current problems stem from feminists, and always have, and secondly that these have always been men’s rights issues, seen as such from the very start with Ernest Belfort Bax, somebody who even Paul Elam acknowledges to be the first MRA.

But where were you guys posting on forums, blogs etc about the Social Purity Movement or Ernest Belfort Bax? You were nowhere. Because you were too busy posting your aspie theories here or elsewhere.

I can’t recall Eivind Berge ever once mentioning the Social Purity Movement. I mean, his whole life is apparently dedicated to fighting feminist anti-sex laws. At least he does recognize feminists as the enemy, unlike his MAP friends. But it doesn’t seem to interest him at all how it started. In fact, he’s being increasingly won over by paedophiles to see feminists as potential allies, and the right-wing to be the ‘real problem’ (if the right-wing are the ‘real problem’, it says a lot about how pathetic ‘pedosexualists’ and ‘ephebophiles/MAPS’ etc are, that the right have managed to do all this at the same time they were totally impotent to let trannies with names such as ‘Flowjob’ teach classrooms of 6 year old kids in the UK about ‘transsexual rights’ and the like.)

You Failed To Spread Memes Such As ‘Paedocrites’

A paedocrite – somebody who projects his own attraction to teens (or even his desire for pre-pubescents) on to others by accusing them of paedophilia. A clear ‘portmanteau’ of ‘pedophile’ and ‘hypocrite’ (admittedly, doesn’t sound so good on American ears with their different pronunciation of pedophile). I’ve never encountered this anywhere else other than my own writings. I’m sure anyone reading this will know instinctively what it means, or at least have a guess, just like the term ‘mangina’. It was our version of the men’s rights term ‘mangina’. But no. Readers would claim they didn’t understand, that it was a ‘made up word’ (dohhhh), or even the paedophiles such as Eivind’s reader, would claim it was a ‘terrible, terrible word, because it makes people feel bad. Much better is ‘pedonazi’‘.

You Just Didn’t Play Your Part

This blog took up countless hours of my time. Admittedly, on occasion it has served as a stress reliever and was essential to my mental health. But it’s cost me thousands of pounds/dollars in lost time. Over the last twelve years, more in the early years, I put in at least 1/10th of my time (including potential working time) on this blog and elsewhere. You were too busy fapping to anime porn or msging 16 year old girls on MySpace.

1/10th of your time, not just free time, but 1/10th of your waking hours not spent on eating, cleaning etc. How many of you can say you gave that amount of time to the fight?

Too Much Aspiness And Paedocricy

There are just two rules of anti-feminism. Don’t be an aspie. And don’t be that paedocrite.

You failed both many times.

Like when the entire world was enchanted by the beauty of 15 year old Yulia Lipnatskaya (Russian ice skater at Sochi Winter Olympics). I mentioned her a lot here. I mean, surely it must have clicked even in the average ‘ephebophile’ that they’re not so special when 3 billion men are in love with a 15 year old ice skater? But no. One commentator, a German, forget his name, told me he felt ‘uncomfortable’. What a fucking paedocrite!!!!

And as for sheer aspiness. Ian B was one the brightest commentators here. Steve Moxon was just about the only MRA speaking the truth openly about paedohysteria. He was the only person apart from me, to dicuss the origin of the age of consent laws (in a men’s rights context). One argument he gives, is that in the Victorian era, when the age of consent was raised from 12 to 16 in the UK (and many other places in response), girls began puberty up to 6 years later than they do now. Ian B was having none of this. He just couldn’t imagine that ’17 year old girls’ could walk around looking like ’12 year old girls’. Impossible!! So Steve Moxon was a dunce. His very last comment here (he left, not banned) was to put a link to apparently ‘prove’ that Victorian girls could not look like today’s 12 year olds at 17. It was more important to him to prove some aspie point, than to have a MRA showing other MRAs, that the origins of the age of consent lay in feminist lies dating back to the 19th century. God help us.

The (13th) winner of the Paedocrite of the Year award is ‘the Readers of the’. Congratulations!