Author Archives: theantifeminist

Charles Fourier – An Early Utopian Socialist and ‘Sex Communist’

I’ve been studying Marx again lately. Not, of course, because I have any Marxist sympathies (although it’s easy to forget that Marx was writing at a time when the working classes in England were terribly exploited and forced to live less than human lives). No, the reason I’m studying him is because there’s clearly something to be learnt about the sex war, and its relationship to ‘economics’, with his analysis of class war and economics. Anyway, I’ve been reading about Charles Fourier, an early utopian socialist who influenced him, as well as Engels and others.

Charles Fourier (1772 – 1837) was a French philosopher who dreamed of building a society based upon socialist communes, in which not only property and labour would be shared, but also sex. He was probably the first writer to discuss sex redistribution and the problem of incels, recognizing that the free sex market has winners and losers, just as Capitalism does. He was truly an eccentric and fascinating character, and one whose ideas are certainly worth studying. He was also one of the first male feminists, although he can hardly be blamed for that. Writing before even Darwin, he would have little idea that women would restrict male sexual opportunities when given any power. Here is a quote from a very interesting article on his ideas about sex redistribution that I came across.

How was the minimum to be assured? To some extent, Fourier expected his society to produce conditions in which everyone would get into the act. “First love is said to leave a lasting impression. Thus the free play of this passion is particularly important in Harmony. Since the choice is free, there will be relatively few lads who become passionately attached to lasses of their own age. Nature loves contrasts and readily links people of disparate ages. Furthermore, so many friendly relations are established in Harmony between people of widely divergent ages that it will become commonplace for a young lad to begin his amorous career with an elderly woman and for a young girl to begin with a mature man. Of course there is nothing predetermined about the matter since everyone’s choice will be free …”23 More persuasive aids to assortment would be provided by the rules of love and the “courts” which enforced them. Young people voluntarily enrolled in the “Damselate” were expected to practice fidelity “until they have finished their education.”24 But: “. . . [No one is expelled from the Damselate until he or she has committed three infidelities and one inconsistancy. . . . Only half an infidelity is counted if a Damsel has an affair with one of the priests or priestesses who, in view of their age, are given special advantages . . . . A homosexual affair is only counted as half an infidelity. . . . Any Damsel may redeem an infidelity by spending two nights with an elderly priest or priestess.”25 “Angelic couples” – exceptionally handsome and beautiful lovers – would gain glory by sharing themselves with twenty admirers each. “We will see how a pure, refined and transcendent sentimental relationship will not reach physical consummation until the two lovers have had physical relations with all who ardently desire them. We will see how by this act of amorous philanthropy they will obtain the same glory that civilization gives to a Decius or a Regulus and other such martyrs for religious or political principles.”26

Aphorisms and Observations

Feminism is a sexual trade union.

More precisely, femnism is primarily a sexual trade union for women with low sexual market value.

Feminism arose in response to technologically driven changes to society, which liberalized the sexual market, lowered the ‘price’ of sex, and thus decreased the SMV of the mass of women.

As the sexual power of young and attractive women has increased, so has the political power of older and unattractive women in response.

Everything a feminist does, is to raise her sexual market value, or to take revenge for her lack of sexual market value.

A man who understands the above statements, has taken the ‘green pill’.

Most so-called MRAs believe that equality of injustice is men’s rights.

If there is hope, it lies in the incels.

Feminists claim ‘femicide’ to stir misandry, whilst denying ‘Francocide’

Feminists exploit rape and murder of white French woman in Paris to futher misandry, while at the same time warning ‘the right’ not to exploit it to further racism.

After the shocking rape and murder of a young student in Paris, by a Moroccan migrant who was due to be deported, a French feminist has described it as another ‘femicide’ – the ridiculous idea that men are conducting a war of extermination against women by murder. Feminists define pretty much any murder of a female by a man, unless perhaps the motivation was robbery, as ‘gender motivated femicide’. Despite this absurd criteria, the number of ‘femicides’ in France in 2022 was only 147, out of a female population of around 34 million, and around 1,000 murders in total, the vast majority of the victims being men at the hands of other men.

Although statistics on race would not be available in France, a disproportionate number of murders are committed in France by African born or descent individuals against native white people. The ‘right-wing‘ in France use the hashtag #Francocide to highlight this whenever a new case appears, as it regularly does.

But while feminists are allowed to describe any murder of a woman by a man as ‘femicide’, white people are not allowed to describe murders of white people by foreigners as ‘Francocide’. Even in this shocking case, where a failed asylum seeker, who should already have been deported under a court order that had been issued, raped and murdered a white French girl.

As a French feminist makes clear :

Sandrine Rousseau of the Ecologists said the murder was a “femicide” which should be “punished severely”. But she warned that the far right would “exploit it to spread its racist and xenophobic hate”.

According to her Wikipedia entry :

Sandrine Rousseau is a French economist and politician who has represented the 9th constituency of Paris in the National Assembly since 2022. Member of Europe Ecology – The Greens (EELV), she has been widely seen as a figurehead of France’s MeToo movement against sexual violence, and describes herself as an ecofeminist.

Despite making it their life’s work to combat ‘gender violence’, including ‘femicide’, and lobbying for and introducing ever more laws and punishments (against men) in order to achieve that, such left-wing feminists are only too happy to embrace migrants, and even call for open-borders, in the knowledge that this will result in more women and girls being assaulted, raped, and even murdered.

In fact, they will publish ‘studies‘ that ‘show’ that climate change will increase domestic and sexual abuse on women, yet will not acknowledge the obvious fact that unchecked migration will do so.

Again, Sexual Trade Union theory, or ‘the Green Pill’, explains this apparent feminist madness. Feminists do not give a rat’s arse about women or girls being raped or murdered by migrants. What they care about is limiting the sexual freedom of men in general, in order to shore up their own abysmal sexual value, as well as simply providing an outlet for their sexual bitterness and resentment towards the male sex which rejects them.

As I have argued here many times over the last two decades :

Feminists support unchecked Third World immigration into the West, because they understand that it will increase sexual assaults on women and girls, including rapes and murders, and that they will be able to exploit the anger over this in order to successfully lobby for new anti-sex laws and harsher punishments, that will increase their own sexual market value.

A clear example of this was only a couple of years ago, when France defnitively set their age of consent at 15, and legally defined any sex with a child below that age as ‘rape’. This was in response to anger over two French men of African extraction walking free from court after having sex with a young girl below 15.

If the right-wing ‘exploit’ cases of migrants and foreigners raping young Frenchwomen, then feminists exploit that exploitation for their own Sexual Trade Union ends, whilst simultaneously virtue signalling their pretend abhorrence.

The Male Sexualist Schism

It seems that there is a, frankly unbridgeable, schism developing between two sides of Male Sexualist thought.

On the one hand you have the Bergian wing. Under the ‘leadership’ of Eivind Berge, they are composed mainly of ‘paedosexualist’ LGBT, Muslim (or sympathetic to the Muslim world view), feminist supporting, Left leaning ‘MAPs’ and ‘Ephebophiles’. Their leader, Eivind, is also fervently anti- masturbation and anti-porn, although it’s unclear if any of his followers or those who identify on the same Male Sexualist wing as him, actually share his views on NoFap.

We could call them Bergians, Bergian Male Sexualists, or perhaps LGBT, as their common goal appears to be to gain acceptance within the LGBT movement, which would become the LGBTP movement. Let’s settle then on LGBTP male sexualists.

Members of the Bergians include (or comprise of) the notorious Tom O’Carroll, Holocaust 21, the notorioius Tom Grauer, and Holocaust 22(!).

The other school of Male Sexualist thought, largely rejects the idea of a movement all-together. In fact, those who might be loosely classified under the term, might not even acknowledge themselves as ‘Male Sexualists’, let alone be part of a movement.

But it’s clear that there is a very small group of bloggers and commentators left over from the early days of men’s rights and the Manosphere (and they might even reject those terms), who remain both staunchly anti-feminist, and honest about issues of male sexuality and its persecution by the feminist state.

So we wont give them a name, other than ‘Male Sexualists’ (if for no other reason than the simplest description of men who still discuss normal male sexuality). Their numbers include of course myself (the antifeminist), Scarecrow (Men-Factor), Rookh (Anglo-Bitch), and others, including commentators such as ‘Jack’, even if they comment regularly at LGBTP blogs such as Eivind’s.

As the anti-feminist wing of Male Sexualists is not really a ‘movement’ (of course, neither is the LGBTP wing), there is no ‘leader’. Just a loose and small collection of bloggers and online commentators who share certain positions (and disagree on lots!). Despite this, most or all would likely tip their hats at certain figures who went before, such as the great, much loved and much missed Angry Harry. Perhaps also, certain early figures of the Manosphere who are no longer around, an example of whom is Roissy, or those who are still here but who have been transformed into something so different as to not really be the same thing at all, like a caterpillar into a butterfly, like a beautiful teenage girl into a femihag, as ‘Ferdinand Bardemu’ into Matt Forney.

Can the two sides get along, or even, dare I say it, reconcile? The former, probably not, unless simply to ignore each other. As for reconciling, it would be in at least my view that the LGBTP ‘male sexualists’ are at this stage more of an enemy than a friend, and that the differences are irrecocnilable. Anti-porn, anti-masturbation, failing to distinguish normal male sexuality from ‘paedosexuality’ (another clumsy invention of Eivind it seems), failing to even discern the primary enemy (feminists). Eivind today seems intent on taking on the equivalent role that Paul Elam performed in the MRM, and committing the same murderous deed – taking the roots of a dangerous revolutionary but fledgling intellectual idea, cutting them out and replacing them with something benign and feminine, while still (vaguely) claiming to be fighting for men.

As for calling Male Sexualism a movement – this is almost as absurd as annointing ‘leaders’. The modern online MRM had hundreds of active participants before anyone even called it a movement, and even then, I can’t remember anyone ever calling somebody a ‘leader’. After it had been established for some time, and consisted of thousands of men active in blogs, and then on other forms of Web 2.0 (now known as social media), then many of us started to refer to Angry Harry as ‘the father’ of the MRM, or Roissy as the founder of the Manosphere (and Roissy himself called Michael Houellebecq the ‘father’ of the Manosphere). Angry Harry certainly never called himself or thought of himself as leader of a men’s rights movement. Even today, nobody has ever tried to claim a ‘leadership’ role (of course, Paul Elam did in all but name, but did not succeed).

Should we then ignore the LGBTP male sexualists, attempt to get along with them, or attack them? Perhaps ignoring them is the best option, but consider that if one side embraces the term Male Sexualism (which might be a deadweight term already because of Tom Grauer), then it might succeed in hijacking our cause, especially if ‘our side’ doesn’t particularly acknowledge that banner (Male Sexualism). On the other hand, they are such a ragamuffin band of (to be frank) autists, that they wont make any headway (thankfully). I mean, seriously, to anyone not an autist – what are the odds of a movement trying to reconcile Islam, LGBT(P), ‘paedosexualism’, normal male sexuality (though Eivind increasingly likes to pretend this is cougar chasing), NoFap and masturbation shaming, the female sex offender charade..succeeding? Or even attracting more than a dozen followers in the next 100 years?

So yes, let us ignore them (finally!).

No doubt I triggered all this with my article 2 or 3 years ago lamenting the fact that no such movement for male sexuality had arisen, and immediately up popped Tom Grauer – who did certainly have a (brief) go at kickstarting something, and perhaps he ought to be considered a (clumsy) hero for that. Unfortunately, it has to be more deft, slow, and organic than he had wished for, particularly as cancel culture (which the clueless and autistic LGBTP male sexualists don’t seem able to associate with feminists either) becomes increasingly vicious.

Certainly, despite their lofty ambitions and overblown pretensions, the LGBTP male sexualists, with their pink pussy hats and flags, and their #LoveIsLove slogans printed on their pink t-shirts, wont be storming the Bastille anytime soon.

Why You Failed – Paedocrite of the Year 2020 – YOU!!!!

Why I Am So Great And Why You All Suck (lol)

Cometh the hour, cometh the man. I was here, but you didn’t show up did you? So what went wrong? Or rather, where did you all go wrong? How did you fail me and what should you have done? Ten years ago, all the top MRAs knew who I was. Angry Harry linked to me prominently, Bernard Chapin was a fan, hell even Paul Elam wanted me to help him design the little website he was creating (A Voice for Men). Ferdinand Bardemu, one of the creators of the Manosphere, used to put my post at the top of his weekly Manosphere round up every week, generating me thousands of visitors.

You Antagonized The MRAs

It was always going to be difficult to overcome the American puritan world view and victim culture that was taking over the men’s rights movement at the time. It was going to be a monumental balancing act to maintain integrity and to ensure that Male Sexualist issues remained at the front of Men’s Rights, or at least part of the discussion. Especially with complete American loons like Kloo2Yoo in charge of Reddit Men’s Rights and such. However, people like Human Stupidity would just spam r/mensrights with his posts, with no awareness apparently that this was going to be counterproductive. Worse, he would then give up and propose that we stop calling ourselves real MRAs (which of course we are, at least those of us who don’t approve of feminist anti-masturbation laws and the like), and refer to ourselves as ‘radical MRAs’ and such.

You Did Not Share The History Of Feminism, Age of Consent Laws, And Men’s Rights

I made a big thing of pointing out the history of feminism, the history of age of consent laws, the history of anti-prostitution laws, and indeed, the very history of men’s rights. All to show two things. That our current problems stem from feminists, and always have, and secondly that these have always been men’s rights issues, seen as such from the very start with Ernest Belfort Bax, somebody who even Paul Elam acknowledges to be the first MRA.

But where were you guys posting on forums, blogs etc about the Social Purity Movement or Ernest Belfort Bax? You were nowhere. Because you were too busy posting your aspie theories here or elsewhere.

I can’t recall Eivind Berge ever once mentioning the Social Purity Movement. I mean, his whole life is apparently dedicated to fighting feminist anti-sex laws. At least he does recognize feminists as the enemy, unlike his MAP friends. But it doesn’t seem to interest him at all how it started. In fact, he’s being increasingly won over by paedophiles to see feminists as potential allies, and the right-wing to be the ‘real problem’ (if the right-wing are the ‘real problem’, it says a lot about how pathetic ‘pedosexualists’ and ‘ephebophiles/MAPS’ etc are, that the right have managed to do all this at the same time they were totally impotent to let trannies with names such as ‘Flowjob’ teach classrooms of 6 year old kids in the UK about ‘transsexual rights’ and the like.)

You Failed To Spread Memes Such As ‘Paedocrites’

A paedocrite – somebody who projects his own attraction to teens (or even his desire for pre-pubescents) on to others by accusing them of paedophilia. A clear ‘portmanteau’ of ‘pedophile’ and ‘hypocrite’ (admittedly, doesn’t sound so good on American ears with their different pronunciation of pedophile). I’ve never encountered this anywhere else other than my own writings. I’m sure anyone reading this will know instinctively what it means, or at least have a guess, just like the term ‘mangina’. It was our version of the men’s rights term ‘mangina’. But no. Readers would claim they didn’t understand, that it was a ‘made up word’ (dohhhh), or even the paedophiles such as Eivind’s reader, would claim it was a ‘terrible, terrible word, because it makes people feel bad. Much better is ‘pedonazi’‘.

You Just Didn’t Play Your Part

This blog took up countless hours of my time. Admittedly, on occasion it has served as a stress reliever and was essential to my mental health. But it’s cost me thousands of pounds/dollars in lost time. Over the last twelve years, more in the early years, I put in at least 1/10th of my time (including potential working time) on this blog and elsewhere. You were too busy fapping to anime porn or msging 16 year old girls on MySpace.

1/10th of your time, not just free time, but 1/10th of your waking hours not spent on eating, cleaning etc. How many of you can say you gave that amount of time to the fight?

Too Much Aspiness And Paedocricy

There are just two rules of anti-feminism. Don’t be an aspie. And don’t be that paedocrite.

You failed both many times.

Like when the entire world was enchanted by the beauty of 15 year old Yulia Lipnatskaya (Russian ice skater at Sochi Winter Olympics). I mentioned her a lot here. I mean, surely it must have clicked even in the average ‘ephebophile’ that they’re not so special when 3 billion men are in love with a 15 year old ice skater? But no. One commentator, a German, forget his name, told me he felt ‘uncomfortable’. What a fucking paedocrite!!!!

And as for sheer aspiness. Ian B was one the brightest commentators here. Steve Moxon was just about the only MRA speaking the truth openly about paedohysteria. He was the only person apart from me, to dicuss the origin of the age of consent laws (in a men’s rights context). One argument he gives, is that in the Victorian era, when the age of consent was raised from 12 to 16 in the UK (and many other places in response), girls began puberty up to 6 years later than they do now. Ian B was having none of this. He just couldn’t imagine that ’17 year old girls’ could walk around looking like ’12 year old girls’. Impossible!! So Steve Moxon was a dunce. His very last comment here (he left, not banned) was to put a link to apparently ‘prove’ that Victorian girls could not look like today’s 12 year olds at 17. It was more important to him to prove some aspie point, than to have a MRA showing other MRAs, that the origins of the age of consent lay in feminist lies dating back to the 19th century. God help us.

The (13th) winner of the Paedocrite of the Year award is ‘the Readers of the’. Congratulations!

Going Forward With Real Men’s Rights

A Dutch police chief has called for an end to “paedophile hunting” after a 73-year-old retired teacher was beaten up by teenagers and died of his injuries.

Oscar Dros said there was a risk more people could die and he appealed for justice to be left to the authorities.

The man from the eastern city of Arnhem was lured into having sexual contact with a minor while in a gay chatroom.

As I mentioned the other day, there doesn’t seem much point carrying on the struggle, at least not in this form. We lost. We tried our best…or at least I did…but we’ve lost. One in 4 billion men with balls and fists can’t do much alone.

I had realistic hopes when starting this blog. We were never going to defeat feminism or crush anti-sex and paedo hysterias. The aim was to show that many of us were men enough to raise our fists in defiance. At least point out who the enemy were – the femihags. Perhaps, optimistically, with the growing manosphere and more specifically the men’s rights movement at our side, we could slow the pace of legislation and hatred, until such time as society changed fundamentally (in my optimistic hope – the world of eternal youth and sex rationally divorced entirely from reproduction), that the underlying reasons for the hysterias would dissipate.

But the truth is, it was clear before very long that we didn’t have a chance. I’m not going to compose another essay in what went wrong, but /r/mensrights, Paul Elam, the ‘Honey Badgers’ etc, and the general American puritanical stupidity took over what might have been a secular, pro male sexuality men’s rights movement in the style of Angry Harry, Steve Moxon, or any number of British writers on men’s rights who had gone before.

I visited reddit/com/r/mensrights for the first time in years the other day. The first post at the top of the page was, of course, a story about a female teacher getting a short sentence for banging a lucky teen lad, and the consequent outrage from MRA arseholes in the comments section. One of them actually said something close to ‘equal injustice for all’, as a thing to be proud of (‘the fight for justice is equal’ or such). I almost threw up. I doubt if the story on the Dutch teacher being beaten to death by anti-paedophile vigilantes was even posted (what has this to do with men’s rights dude?).

The only thing that remains is for digital archaologists in the year 3,000, probably Chinese or Turkish or something like that, to uncover our writings, and conclude as evidence that there was some defiance in that brief, inexplicable period of terminal decline of the West, when trannies were held up as normal and attraction to fertile youth was the worst perversion imaginable.

But there’s really no hope of that. They certainly wont call it the ‘Male Sexualist Movement’, taken over as it has by paedophile activists, MAPs, feminists, and other anti-porn puritans.

I stated the other day that the only good thing about Eivind’s blog is that he does allow comments still. Of course, it’s rapidly being taken over by the aspie paedophiles and MAPs that he chooses to ally himself with (and then clumsily distance himself from). One such creature claimed I have been proven mistaken in my opposition to feminism all along, because Judith Levine has got a new book out, and Ruth Ginsburg wanted to lower the age of consent to 12.

Well, well, well. I guess that totally overrides the fact that the vast majority of the countless NGO members working day and night to further increase the odds of creatures like him to be raped in prison (not to mention ordinary people like you and me), are hardcore feminists. Not to mention that the age of consent was raised from 12 to 16 or 18 in the West by feminists, and today, they have raised the age at which a girl is automatically assumed to have been raped, no matter how willing she engaged in sex, to 13 (in the UK) or 15 (in France). In fact, this aspie paedophile actually thinks that Ruth Ginsburg, who implemented that feminist treaty into law in the USA (or tried to) – raising the threshold to 12 – actually meant that I’m a fool for not getting behind her and her fellow feminists.

As I wrote a while ago when the bitch croaked :

The words above may upset the several followers of Eivind Berge’s ‘MAP NO FAP’ movement (I will not mention Eivind again in this post), given that Ruth was a feminist, and the alt-right pedocrites have been quick (while taking a break from fapping to anime 8 year old girl pics) to promote nonsense viral memes suggesting she wanted to lower the age of consent. In fact, she was simply arguing for the case (pushed by feminists on a global level and now introduced worldwide) for sex with under 12’s to be automatically considered rape, no matter however willing. Indeed, she also stressed that this and other age of consent laws should apply equally to women having sex with boys. So maybe Eivind and his MAPs wont be a fan of her’s after all (O.K., I lied about not mentioning Eivind again), although MRA paedocrites will.

What I remember most strikingly about Ruth Ginsburg is her quote soon after taking up her role, of comparing sex offenders to a virus that ‘needs to be eradicated’. In the feminist Sexual Holocaust against men, this evil cunt has certainly been one of the leading players.

As for Judith Levine, great she’s got a new book out. Probably the only book she could sell, given that her name is permanently associated with her first one (the excellent ‘Harmful to Minors’). To say that she, or Camille Pagilia, somehow prove that feminists are our natural allies instead of the enemy, is like saying that MRAs believe that women should be allowed to have sex with 12 year old boys because of Eivind Berge’s writings.