Why the ‘Sexual Abuse’ of Boys is Much More Serious than that of Girls

MHRAs are right when they say that society downplays the sexual abuse of boys as compared to girls. In fact MHRAs don’t go far enough. According to the underlying feminist logic behind sexual abuse and its devastating impact upon the victim, the sexual abuse of boys is MUCH more serious than that of girls.

Social Purity MovementFor most of history, society regarded the ‘sexual abuse’ of young teenage girls as serious because it entailed the ruining of her ‘honour’ – her reputation as virginal and chaste, and hence her value as a future wife. Of course, this historical justification for protecting young girls from sex never made any sense with regard to boys, of whom virility not virginity was prized, and hence the ‘double standard’ that MHRAs vent their fury against so much today became very much rooted in society.

Now in today’s feminist society, we pretend that virginity is no longer something to be valued in a female, and hence we can no longer argue that girls need to be protected from the male ‘predator’ in order to preserve their ‘honour’. Instead, we now claim that it is their minds or psyches that are ‘ruined’ by sex with older men. This is the feminist ‘trauma model’ of sexual abuse, and is nothing more than an attempt at a ‘scientific’ re-formulation of the desire to preserve virginity in girls, even though we have ostensibly abandoned that value. Feminsts want a high age of consent in order to remove sexual competition to themselves and their followers, and they use the ‘trauma model’ of abuse as a thinly disguised way to exploit the hardwired male inclination to protect and White Knight the virginity and chastity of young girls.

The Trauma Model is a near entirely empty concept with zero scientific credibility. It is, in fact, the Trauma Myth, or equally, the Trauma Tautology. Why does underage teen sex lead to trauma? Because underage teen sex is bad! Why is underage teen sex bad? Because underage teen sex leads to trauma!

In fact, a moment’s reflection would lead any sane and rational person to understand that if post-pubescent teenage sex was inherently traumatic, the human race would likely have become extinct within a few generations of arising. Certainly, many thousands of years and generations before the word ‘teen’ became far and away the most searched for porn term online.

But lets pretend that teenage sex is bad, not because it ‘ruins’ the ‘honour’ of the teen ‘victim’, but because it ruins his or her mind, esepcially their psycho-sexual functioning. As we know, in this, MHRAs agree entirely with feminists. All they want is for society to accept that underage sex affects boys in as devastating a fashion as it does girls. But they should go further than this. Because if this is the reason that teenage sex is bad, then teenage sex will affect boys much more adversely than it does girls. This is because it is the male that is expected to take the lead in sexual relationships, from start to finish. Men pursue women and women choose. Men have to display confidence, assertiveness (feminists have made this a legal minefield, of course), humour, risk taking for fear of rejection etc, as well as status which comes from a good career and achieving a high social rank. Women simply choose, and the wealth of their choices is determined largely by their looks.

Even in regards to navigating life and social relationships in general , some of what we might expect to be the marks of a somewhat damaged personality – shyness, introvertedness, nervousness etc – are much more easily forgiven, and even admired or found cute in a female, than they are in a male.

If teenage sex is bad because if devastates a young person’s ability to function sexually with the opposite sex, their confidence with regards to both sex and to social relationships and life in general, then we should expect it to have a far more serious impact upon boys than girls.

Perhaps MHRAs should not campaign to simply abolish the double standard, but to reverse it? Perhaps indeed we should raise the age of consent with regard to boys and lower it with regard to girls? This is the logical outcome of the trauma model of sexual abuse, or rather the ‘Trauma Tautology’.

An alternative would be to see the Truama Tautology for what it is, to campaign for the abolishment of the feminist high age of consent (or at least not to promote the Trauma Tautology and feminist child abuse industry), and to recognise that the disposibility of and contempt for the male is found in the double standard as regards alleged ‘predators’ rather than the ‘victims’ who have had that status forced upon them by feminists. It is the victim label that ‘ruins’ teenage ‘victims’ of willing sex, and it does so even more seriously for boys than for girls, and it is the ‘predator’ label which is leading thousands of men, and even increasingly boys, to face lives of imprisonment, fear, and ostracisation as ‘sex offenders’, the feminist version of the Nazi pink triangle, and perhaps soon, the feminist version of the holocaust.


6 thoughts on “Why the ‘Sexual Abuse’ of Boys is Much More Serious than that of Girls

  1. Pingback: Why the ‘Sexual Abuse’ of Boys is Much More Serious than that of Girls | Manosphere.com

  2. thedude

    Brilliant stuff for the most part. So much truth, so few willing to hear it.
    Have to object to the idea that introversion is a personality defect however. Nearly 50 percent of the populace are introverted, we just live in a society where the big mouths call the shots and get to define what is “normal”. You of all people should recognise the irony of that. 😉

  3. theantifeminist Post author

    Have to object to the idea that introversion is a personality defect however. Nearly 50 percent of the populace are introverted, we just live in a society where the big mouths call the shots and get to define what is “normal”. You of all people should recognise the irony of that

    Yea, I agree, I guess I didn’t express myself very well there. I’m introverted as well, and I don’t regard it as a personality defect, although it’s true that sometimes society will give you stick for it, and much more so than they will for introverted females.

  4. Eric

    It seems that the Road to the Sexual Holocaust is taking a new direction. Mr. malE, Fat-Troll, Whats-His-Name-Again Jenner, along with Obama and his gang of perverts seem to be pushing towards a Utopia where there are no genders, but an androgynous, unisex society. Just like most revolutions, it seems that the STU femihags and paedocrites are going to be the first victims of the movement they started.

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