Swedish ‘Sex Purchase Law’ Feminist ‘Beheaded’ in Africa

A Swedish UN ‘humanitarian worker’ – Zaida Catalán – was found beheaded along with her male colleague in darkest Africa last week, presumed murdered by rebel millitants. She was in the war torn Congo at the tax payer’s expense working for the UN to combat ‘sexual violence’ in the region. Her Facebook profile, however, reveals that she found the time to ‘Live la vida local’ with the local black men, as well as paint pictures of naked breasts. According to her Wikipedia she was a Swedish Green party member known for her role in pushing through the infamous ‘sex purchase law’ which criminalizes Swedish men (and only men) for paying for sex. This piece of legislation has been the inspiration for other countries (becoming known as the ‘Nordic Model’) most recently Ireland and likely the UK very soon. Thanks to that law and her role in it, it’s fair to say that Zaida Catalán has huge responsibility for destroying the lives of tens of thousands of men worldwide, denying incels and the disabled the right to experience sexual pleasure, putting untold thousands on the sex offenders register now and in the future, many of them to be raped and beaten whilst in prison.

Zaida Catalán in happier and headier times on the dark continent – ‘living la vida locale’ with the natives.

Whilst thousands of Swedish men have already been arrested or shamed for ‘paying for sex’ thanks to Zaida’s law, it is known that Swedish females make up one of the largest sources per capita of the tens of thousands of white female sex tourists who flock each year to Jamaica (and increasingly Africa) to ‘chase the big bamboo’ and pay for sex – oh sorry, I mean ‘romantic companionship’ – with well endowed poverty stricken uneducated black males.  Not one of these Swedish female sex tourists has ever been arrested.

While there is no suggestion at all that Zaida had headed to Africa for any other reason than to enjoy a freebie sun drenched vacation at the tax payer’s expense whilst advising local feminists on drawing up laws to criminalize catcalling in the street etc., female ‘aid workers’ elsewhere have come under scrutiny recently for abusing their position to molest vulnerable and even underage Third World refugees in places such as the Calais ‘jungle’.

The goal of feminism is to remove all constraints on female sexuality while maximally restricting male sexuality.


Some interesting comments in the Roosh V forum thread devoted to the story, including several that bear the hallmarks of acquaintance with the ideas and anger of this site, but can any readers who are RVF members please log in and educate them in what the ‘sex purchase law’ is?


Angry Harry – ‘Men have been brainwashed into believing what is natural is perverted’

I already posted a link to this Angry Harry article a few years ago, but decided to revisit it again because it’s a classic example of the way he brought logic and cool headed reason to subjects that even most ‘red pill’ MRAs and others find hard to do so. Although using the case of a Japanese man caught taking ‘upskirts’ as an example, Harry is really discussing the way in which society pathologizes normal male sexuality through shaming language in order to control it.


What is wrong with men wanting to look up, or under, women’s skirts?


A few days ago, I switched on the TV, only to be horribly confronted by the sight of some 17 year old schoolboy from Japan being assiduously kicked and punched by some female who could have been his mother, his girlfriend, his wife, his sister, his schoolteacher, or even his grandmother – you can never quite tell with the Japanese because they age so well.

I put on my glasses to read the subtitles and, in summary, the schoolboy had been caught pointing his camera up the skirts of women and photographing whatever contents lay therein.

“Pervert. Pervert,” she shouted as she beat him about the head rather savagely.

And, “Pervert. Pervert,” shouted just about everyone else for the next ten minutes.

I’d had enough.

So I switched off the TV and spent the next 30 minutes or so thinking about the pleasures of looking up women’s skirts.

I’m a bit passed it now – well, almost – but I can assure my most excellent readers that it is perfectly normal for heterosexual men to enjoy looking up the skirts of women.

And there’s nothing perverted about it.

Indeed, if you look at the way in which women dress in order to titillate men – especially female singers, dancers, celebrities etc – it seems quite clear that just about everybody on the planet is aware of the fact that men enjoy taking sneaky peeks up women’s skirts.

So, what on earth can be ‘perverted’ about it?

Sure, it would be highly inappropriate to wonder around the streets peeking surreptitiously up the skirts of passing strangers as they walked up stairs or bent over to pick up things – and unpleasant for the women, I imagine. And it makes some sense for such activities to be illegal.

But ‘perverted’?


Something is ‘perverted’ when it is rare, extreme, a gross distortion of what is natural.

It cannot be ‘perverted’ if it is so common that it is normal.

Goodness me. We don’t even call a bank robber ‘perverted’ – despite the fact that hardly any of us rob banks.


Well, I presume that this is because while we do not support what a bank robber does, we mostly understand, and can even empathise with, his motives.

His desires!

After all, we all know that most of us would like some extra, easy cash.

So, there is nothing ‘perverted’ about this desire for more money.

But the really interesting thing is this.

You will surely have noticed that MEN can very often be seen endorsing the view that some kind of sexual activity or desire is ‘perverted’ when, quite clearly, it is not; a voyeur trying to look at all the naked ladies in the locker room through the keyhole, a young boy playing doctors and nurses with his sister or his cousin, a panty sniffer, a foot fetishist – and goodness knows what other sexual antics men are disposed to engage in – mentally or behaviourally.

Very few of these things are extreme, rare or gross deviations from what seems to be natural – ‘natural’, essentially being something to do with the fact that males find females to be hugely attractive.

Or are men supposed to be sexually attracted to only one thing when it comes to women?

A single hole.

Of course, some forms of sexual predilection do seem to be ‘perverted’. Necrophilia, sexual murder/mutilation and, perhaps, sex with animals come to mind.

But the notion that a man is a pervert because he has the urge to touch, lick, fondle, smell or view the bodies of women – or parts thereof – seems to be utterly preposterous.

So, what is going on here?

Why is it that so many men – and, indeed, the tabloids – will label as a ‘pervert’ a man who is caught looking up women’s skirts?

And my own view is that, in much the same way that men have been brainwashed into finding funny even acts of horrible male mutilation (such as found in Bobbitt jokes) so it is that they have also been brainwashed into believing that what is natural for them is ‘perverted’.

Indeed, It is quite amazing to see just how stupefied and filled with (unconscious?) self-loathing men have become.

So my message to all you men out there is this.

If you feel the urge to look up the skirts of women, feel no shame

If you feel the urge to look up the skirts of women, feel no shame; because there is nothing perverted about this.

And whenever you hear other men mindlessly suggesting that such a desire is ‘perverted’, then point out to them that they must be so stupefied with malicious, misandric feminist hogwash that they have now, clearly, become very stupid men indeed.

So stupid, in fact, that not only are they demonising themselves, but they seem to be completely unaware of this.

And you can’t get much more stupid than that!

10 Famous Pornstars Without Makeup (this is what you’re really fapping to)

I remember my old English teacher telling us that modern makeup is the only reason why the relatively recent phenomenon of females marrying outside of their teenage years is possible. Judging from the evidence here, it seems that makeup is the only reason why the billion dollar adult porn industry can exist too.

Allie Haze


Allie Haze without makeup

Anita Toro


Anita Toro without makeup

Bonnie Rotten

bonnie rotten without makeup

bonnie rotten without makeup

Brea Bennett

Brea Bennett without makeup

Brea Bennett without makeup

Bree Olson

Bree Olson without makeup

Bree Olson without makeup

Crista Moore

Crista Moore without makeup

Crista Moore without makeup

Dani Daniels


Dani Daniels without makeup

Diamond Kitty

Diamond Kitty without makeup

Diamond Kitty without makeup

Eden VonSleeze


Jessica Mor


Jessica Mor without makeup

Jynx Maze


Jynx Maze without makeup

Keira King


Keira King without makeup

Tiffany Tyler



Tiffany Tyler without makeup

As the great Woody Allen once said – ‘sex is 99% in the mind’. And this is why those who believe that virtual sex will never replace the ‘real thing’ are 100% wrong.

A Very Brief History of Feminism

The First Wave of Feminism

Like the entire history of feminism, the first wave was driven by a combination of social, economic, and sexual factors, or rather ‘forces’, that were largely contingent and blind.

The first successfully organised ‘feminist’ political activism involved campaigns not for the vote, nor even for ‘equality’, but rather against prostitution and for the raising of the age of consent.

Women had been stirred into political protest through social and technological changes that had resulted from Industrialisation and that were threatening their sexual and economic interests.

The campaign for the vote was a secondary and much smaller movement, gaining credence through the acceptibility of female activism that the first campaign had won.

The suffragettes achieved their aims as a result of violence and of male Enlightenment thinking which saw women’s enfranchisement as a natural progression of other civil rights movements.

In fact, women did not exercise their newly won franchise very differently to their husbands, and when they did vote differently, it was to vote in facist dictatorships throughout Europe.

It was not until the 1960’s, and the second wave of feminism, that women began voting differently to men….

The Second Wave of Feminism

The 1960’s saw the beginning of possibly the most remarkable event in human history. The end of ‘patriarchy’. Within the space of a generation, a social system that had endured in every corner of the globe for over 10 millenium had more or less crumbled.

In every corner of the globe…except the Islamic world.

In his book ‘The Decline of the Male’, anthropologist Lionel Tiger identifies the introduction of the contraceptive pill as the trigger for this unparallelled social revolution, the ‘second wave of feminism’.

For Lionel Tiger, the pill shifted reproductive power from men to women, for men could no longer be sure as to the paternity of their offspring.

I don’t accept all of the details of Tiger’s thesis, but I agree wholeheartedly that the pill was a catalyst for the second wave of feminism. An unforeseen technological innovation had revolutionised sexual relations and, in a blind and uncontrollable way, had transformed society almost overnight.

According to most feminist thinkers (and many MRAs), the pill gave women power over men. I disagree.

In fact, the very thing that was supposed to free women from men, left them – or at least older/unattractive women – dangerously exposed in the free sexual market that had suddenly been created.

Suddenly, women became active in politics. Suddenly, women demanded (and won) the right to university education, to a carreer, to easy divorce, to an abortion. Suddenly women began voting differently to men.

The pill did not give women power over men.

The pill forced women to take power from men.

But, of course, this did not happen in the majority of Muslim societies. Under Islam, there is still no free sexual market, and thus unattractive Muslim women have no need for feminism.

The Third Wave of Feminism

Just as the first wave of feminism has been wrongly reduced to the suffragette movement, the third wave of feminism is wrongly being associated with insignificant but highly visible feminists such as Jessica Valenti.

In fact, it would be fairer to describe the astonishing and sudden representation of women at all levels of government as the Third Wave of Feminism.

In the space of the last decade, from having virtually zero representation in high government, the female sex has come to near dominate many of the leading democracies of the West.

Currently, the Home Secretary or equivalent in the UK, France, Germany and the USA are all female. The chancellor of Germany is female. Women have recently narrowly lost presidential elections in the USA and France only because of the staggering incompetence of the candidates facing ‘unique’ male rivals (Obama and Sarkozy). Even macho South American holdouts such as Argentina and Chile now have female feminist presidents.

Alongside formal governmental representation, largely female dominated non-governmental pressure groups have suddenly come to hold massive sway over an increasingly powerful United Nations, as well as other international bodies such as the European Union.

Why has this astonishing Third Wave, no less extraordinary than the second, suddenly come about? That this is the first generation of women raised as feminists no doubt has played a part but it cannot alone explain the sheer rapidity of change. Like the first and second waves of feminism, the third has been propelled by technological changes threatning the interests of ordinary women.

The globalisation of society and of communications has threatened to further open up the free sexual market to an extent as great as the introduction of the pill itself did.

Suddenly men had before them a whole new array of alternatives to a ‘real’ sexual relationship, from the cheap Polish hooker at the street corner, to the nubile, young slut showing herself on cam from her bedroom half way across the world.

This was a brave new sexual world that an already politicised generation of middle-aged women could not tolerate for long…and certainly not entrust to men to control or put an end to.

The Future of Feminism

The future of feminism will be dictated by the same forces that have shaped its history – blind and largely uncontrollable economic and technological changes altering the balance of sexual power between men and women.

The further increase in mass global communications, advances in robotics, artificial intelligence and the growing realism of sex toys, are all rapidly coalescing into a perfect storm that will either achieve sexual and emotional independence for men…or a fourth wave of feminism that might reduce ourselves and society to a level unimaginable even in the atavistic fema-supremecist society of today..